Alternatives To Weddings

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By Gem

The traditional wedding is like a beautiful dress in a shop window, attracting all passers-by with its glamor and sparkle. 

But for many couples, the idea of spending an exorbitant amount of money on a single day can be overwhelming. 

The good news is that there are plenty of alternatives to weddings that can help you create the same special memories without breaking the bank. 

In this article, we will explore some creative and unique ways to celebrate your union with friends and family without having to adhere to the strict rules of a traditional ceremony.


Eloping is a great alternative to traditional wedding ceremonies, as it allows couples to take control of their special day and make it about themselves. 

Going this route means foregoing the need for a wedding dress, wedding rings or going through the ceremony in front of family and friends.

Eloping allows couples to escape from the pressures that come with planning a traditional wedding – from guest lists to venues, colors and decorations – and instead, focus on spending time together in an intimate setting. It also offers flexibility as couples can go anywhere they please; whether it’s a beach, mountain or even cityscape. Couples can also save money that would have been spent on venue bookings and catering services.

Plus, eloping doesn’t mean sacrificing all the traditions associated with weddings; there are still ways to incorporate them into the experience if desired. For example, couples could bring along a few close family members or friends who can act as witnesses to their union. They could also exchange rings or wear something special (like a wedding dress) for their special day.

A courthouse wedding may be another option worth exploring for those who want something low-key yet legal…

Courthouse Weddings

Courthouse weddings offer an alternative to traditional weddings while still having all the legalities of marriage. Any couple who gets married at a courthouse are able to save money on wedding costs such as catering, decorations, and wedding invitations while still being legally married without the planning and stress of organizing a large wedding.

Courthouse weddings also provide more flexibility when compared to traditional ceremonies. 

Couples can typically schedule their wedding date with little or no notice, which means that same-day weddings can often be arranged. Not that I recommend getting married on a whim, but there are no months of organizing or planning involved.

While it may not be as grand as a conventional wedding, it still marks the beginning of a beautiful life together. 

Commitment Ceremonies

A commitment ceremony is an event to celebrate your union without all of the traditional trappings of a wedding. Let’s take a look at commitment ceremonies and why they are becoming increasingly popular alternatives these days to weddings.

Commitment ceremonies are almost like marriage ceremonies without legal commitment. 

Couples still exchange vows and rings, but it doesn’t have any binding effect on their relationship status. 

Instead, they are more focused on celebrating their love and commitment to each other with their friends and family present. Couples can also customize their ceremony however they want, opting for unique elements like readings or musical performances for their guests.

For those who don’t want to go through with the official paperwork or spend loads of money on a traditional wedding, a commitment ceremony can be an excellent option and a stop-gap until you are ready to make it official.

You can still have all the things you’d expect from a wedding, such as exchanging rings and cutting a cake – although some couples may choose to forgo the traditional wedding cake for something different!

Commitment ceremonies are a really intimate way to celebrate a relationship without breaking the bank or dealing with bureaucracy — so if you’re looking for something less grand than a wedding but more meaningful than just signing papers at City Hall, consider putting together your own special commitment ceremony!

Find A Unique Wedding Venue

This type of alternative wedding is a recurring theme in this post, but the best approach to finding your unique wedding venue is to think about something you both love (Other than each other).

One popular choice is a backyard wedding – nearly 20% of weddings take place outside!

Backyard weddings offer a cozy and intimate atmosphere, along with plenty of privacy and affordability. Couples can customize their wedding space to reflect their personal style, and there are endless ways to make your special day memorable. From stringing up fairy lights to having lawn games available for guests, a backyard wedding can be as creative and whimsical as your imagination allows!

Having an outdoor wedding also allows for more natural lighting perfect for capturing beautiful photos of your big day. What’s more, these outdoor events allow you to fully enjoy the outdoors while celebrating with friends and family. Transitioning seamlessly into the next section, beach celebrations are another popular alternative to traditional weddings.

You can also think more unique like somewhere that means something to you both, or somewhere you both have vested interest in.

Some other ideas might be:

  • An Arcade
  • Skate Park
  • Library
  • A Brewery or Distillery
  • A Restaurant (maybe where you first met, or a restaurant you had the best focaccia ever in!)
  • A Museum
  • A Rooftop (Not your own house though)
  • A Stadium

Theme Celebrations

Speaking of unique venues, you can also bring in a theme to make it even more personalized. 

Theme celebrations are a fantastic way to add personal touches to your big day. Whether you’re into superheroes, or want to tie in cultural elements, have a wine tasting, make it sports themed, video game themed, there’s really no limit to what you can create. 

Best of all, it’s a fun and unique way for you and your guests to celebrate the occasion. 

And it doesn’t just involve dressing up – we’ll talk a little more about other themes later, like beach themes, destination weddings, or garden parties!

Hopefully now, you’re really starting to get the ideas flowing for your alternate wedding.

Beach Celebrations

Now, with some alternative venues and themees in mind, what if you had a beach celebration instead of the traditional wedding? 

Start your beach celebration with a beautiful bonfire, or get married during a gorgeous sunet. 

You can set it up at the end of your day, allowing you to reflect on the memories you have made together so far.You may even be able to see stars in the night sky as they twinkle above your heads. 

Make your ceremony even more special by incorporating elements of nature into it. You can set up chairs along the shoreline and exchange vows in front of an ocean backdrop – or if you’re feeling adventurous, why not include a boat ride? 

Let the waves wash away all your worries as you celebrate your love together. 

Formal Dinners

A formal dinner is a perfect alternative to a huge wedding. 

Picture this: you and your partner, surrounded by your closest family and friends, in an intimate setting with gourmet food and drinks – what could be more romantic?

Organizing a formal dinner for your big day doesn’t have to be difficult; there are plenty of venues that offer packages for group events that are more than happy to let you book out a private room or designated area.. 

You can even find lavish beach resorts to exclusive country clubs that are cheaper than wedding venues. Plus, you can add personal touches like decorations and music to make it unique.

And let’s be honest, wedding food is way overpriced and most of the time it’s not even that great.

Destination Getaways

A perfect alternative to the traditional wedding ceremony, this kind of experience can offer a truly magical day with memories for a lifetime. 

It’s kind of like sharing your honeymoon with your closest family and friends to be honest.

The beauty of destination getaways is that they bring couples together in a uniquely romantic atmosphere, with epic views, great food, and the excitement of just being somewhere new or somewhere special. 

The only downside to a destination getaway is; it can be a little tricky to plan. Especially in recent years with travel bans, testing, and just general chaos, at least now things have settled down a bit, but there are a lot of t’s to cross and i’s to dot when jetting away. 

The first thing to sort out is the legalities of it all. It might not be accepted in your state or country when you get married in another country, so you might need to elope first or get the paperwork sorted at home before you have the celebration abroad.

And there’s always 1 who forgets their passport. Always.

Backyard Wedding

Backyard weddings are an amazing alternative wedding choice. 

It can be just as beautiful and fun, while allowing you to customize it however you’d like, plus, you don’t have to worry about renting out a venue or paying expensive fees.

One of the best things about a backyard wedding is that you can turn it into whatever type of celebration you want. 

Again, keep in mind the recurring theme here, make it unique, personalized, themed, make it You!

Backyard weddings can be significantly less expensive than traditional weddings, as you can save on venue rental fees, decorations, and catering costs.  You have complete control over the decor, theme, and style of the wedding, and can decorate the space to your exact specifications. Although the downside is it may get expensive if you get carried on the decor.

Pro Tip:

Have it at Christmas and reuse your decorations.

They also tend to be more intimate and personal, making them ideal for couples who want a more relaxed and low-key wedding.

You have greater flexibility when it comes to timing and scheduling. You can have your wedding ceremony and reception at any time of day, and you don’t have to worry about sticking to a strict timeline. It’s your property, so do whatever you want.

Private Party

Ok so, maybe you don’t have a big enough backyard, and your buddies don’t want you loitering on their lawn for a weekend. 


Organizing a private party can be a great alternative. You can organize it however you want and invite only those who you deem necessary. 

It doesn’t have to be a traditional reception or a formal dinner, you can make it fun by adding different activities like a dance party or karaoke!

Again, with a private party get to tailor it exactly to your tastes and preferences. 

From the decorations and food menu to the music playlist and activities, everything can be customized according to what you find enjoyable. 

From my experience, a dance party is one of the best ways to add some fun into the mix!

I’ve even heard some amazing stories of couples organizing a private party with just friends and family and once everyone is together they announce the big occasion. And if I’m honest, that sounds so amazing! 

Hiking Adventures

Let’s go off the beaten path, literally. Hiking adventures are an awesome alternative to traditional weddings. A hiking adventure can be tailored to suit any type of couple who wants to do something out of the ordinary on their big day. 

One I’ve heard of is a mountain hike where the couple had everything pre-prepared at the top.

Plus, you’ll also get some amazing picturesque views along the way!

Boat Party

Imagine exchanging your vows and becoming newlyweds, all while surrounded by stunning views of the water. Then, keep the party going on the same boat during the reception.

Boat weddings are becoming extremely popular these days, and the boat itself serves as an amazing showstopper. 

Plus, the more intimate feel of being on a boat allows you and your guests to really focus on each other and the celebration.

You can really tailor a boat party for any budget. You can keep it cheap and cheerful, or really go all out with a DJ, photographer, videographer, catering, the whole works. 

I’ve even heard stories of couples sailing to a destination pre-prepped for the reception, and then sailing home the next day relaxing with the ocean views. 

Some also say it’s a great cure for an after-wedding hangover.

Drive-Thru Weddings

This is kind of an interesting one that became quite popular during the pandemic. Probably not something quite as popular anymore, but it did sound like a really cool idea at the time. 

It kind of reminded me of a retro scene from the 70’s going to a drive-thru movie. (I’m not that old but I did enjoy 70’s movies :D)

It is just as special and intimate as any other ceremony, but with the added bonus of safety and convenience.

You can either dress up in their wedding finery or simply have a casual ceremony in the comfort of your car. You can still invite friends and family members to drive along in the procession. 

The bride and groom can exchange vows from the windows of their car amidst cheers from loved ones. Wedding music plays in the background, making it all the more romantic.

It certainly has a unique charm to it, and keeping in mind themed celebrations, there are some awesome things you can do with some sweet cars. Maybe the car enthusiasts are intrigued by that one.

Virtual Celebration

Another popular pandemic option. (Not that the pandemic was popular, but you know what I mean.)

With today’s technology, couples can still create an intimate and meaningful ceremony that is shared with friends and family members around the world.

A great option for those who might have moved abroad who want to share the occasion with family and friends around the world.

Wedding music can be used to enhance the experience. Couples can choose their favorite songs or create a playlist of their favorite tunes that will set the tone for their special day. You can also have live speeches, and even music performances by family and friends, just like a traditional ceremony except in 4k.

All you need is access to an internet connection and a decent device to host the event. 

It’s a pretty creative solution for celebrating, and I can actually see this one becoming a popular alternative option in the future.

Family Reunions

Having a wedding during a family reunion can be a great way to combine two important events into one memorable occasion.

Family reunions offer an opportunity for everyone to reconnect and share stories with one another. 

A wedding during a family reunion can bring multiple generations of a family together, making it an opportunity for everyone to spend time with each other creating new memories and reminiscing.

This is something I never even thought about until I was invited to one by a distant cousin. I was instantly caught up in the warm atmosphere of everyone catching up with each other, laughing and sharing stories, creating an already joyous environment. 

The energy carried over into the wedding ceremony, where the bride and groom exchanged vows surrounded by their closest family and friends.

And it was an incredible way to meet some new friends from the grooms side too. 

One of my favorite moments was watching the different generations come together to dance, grandparents, parents, and children were all on the dance floor, having the time of their lives.

Combining a family reunion with a wedding truly made the day even more meaningful, as the newlyweds were surrounded by the love and support of their entire family.

Happily Ever After

To wrap it all up, there are endless alternatives to your traditional wedding. Whether you want to elope, have a courthouse wedding, hold a commitment ceremony, or celebrate at the beach or with a theme, there are so many options if you’re happy to get outside of your comfort zone. 

It is kind of ironic that when it comes to weddings, what was once considered unconventional is becoming increasingly popular. 

Strangely enough, a lot of this has been down to the pandemic years, and all of the lockdowns, restrictions and madness we went through, it just sort of normalized what was considered different.

While these alternative ceremonies may not be legally recognized in all states and countries, they can still be meaningful and special occasions for those involved. 

At the end of the day, it is important to remember that your wedding should celebrate your love and commitment to one another—not how much money you can spend on a celebration.

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