Is A Wedding Video Worth It

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By Gem

A wedding video may be the last thing you think about when planning your big day, but it could end up being one of your most treasured memories from the event. 

Capturing all of those special moments on camera is something that will stay with you long after the guests have gone home and the honeymoon has come to an end. 

But is a wedding video really worth it? 

Well, according to Bridebook, around 75% of newlyweds regret not having a wedding video, and the knot says 40% of couples have now added a videographer to their weddings

The beauty of having a wedding video lies in its ability to capture both emotions and sounds – things that photos cannot replicate no matter how clear they are. 

Being able to look back at footage of family members embracing each other lovingly, hearing tearful speeches made by loved ones, or reliving the joyous moment when you exchange vows with your partner, the mannerisms, the dance moves, the clumsy stumbles in high heels.  

It’s also great for capturing all those little details of decor and preparations that went into making your dream day come true!

On top of sentimental value, there are practical considerations too; such as how convenient it is to share videos online now compared to physical copies like DVDs which used to require snail mail delivery. 

So, let’s dive into everything you need to know about your wedding video.

Benefits Of Having A Wedding Video.

It’s like taking your wedding experience to the next level, making it so much extra special. 

With a professional wedding videographer capturing all of the best moments in time, you’ll never forget how beautiful your special day was.

You can literally relive it step by step.

From romantic first looks between partners to heartfelt speeches by parents, a good quality wedding video will capture every single moment that takes place within the venue. 

Not only can you look back on these memories, they can also be turned into beautiful highlight videos for sharing across social media.

A good wedding video should not just provide great aesthetics but also evoke emotion when watched again. 

When watching their own film years later, couples become overwhelmed with happy tears as they relive their most wonderful day over and over again.

Sure, you can put a picture on a wall, and decorate you rooms with some amazing photo collages. But video, it’s something else entirely.

Ability To Relive The Day Through Film.

Nothing can compare to the experience of a wedding day. The sights, sounds and emotions are like no other. But with a wedding video, you have the unique chance to relive that special moment in time all over again.

A professionally shot and edited wedding video allows you to capture those precious memories forever. 

With advanced video editing software, your love story video will be as beautiful as it was on the day itself. 

From working with professional videographers, I’ve really grown to appreciate their craft. 

Their ability to think quickly on their feet and capture candid moments throughout the event means that when watching back your footage, you’re sure to see things that you may have missed; from intimate laughter between bridesmaids or one-on-one conversations between family members.

It’s like watching your wedding from a guest’s perspective actually, it’s so cool to see the moments you missed as much as the moments you remember.

It’s an authentic retelling of what happened on the most important day of your life – so you’ll never forget it!

Capturing Candid Moments And Speeches.

When done right, audio and lighting equipment can truly transform even the most mundane speech into something extraordinary. 

By using industry-standard cameras and audio recorders, along with skillfully placed lighting fixtures, videographers are able to capture both sound and visuals at an incredibly professional level. 

No moment or sentiment goes unnoticed during such productions!

Think about how much time passes while those ‘candid’ moments appear on screen – from someone’s heartfelt toast to the father-daughter dance. 

How many beautiful memories would slip away without being captured by more than just photos alone? 

Professional-Quality Footage.

Professional-quality footage is key if you want to capture the full story of your special occasion. 

No doubt you’ll have hundreds of insta stories and reels, and your whatsapp group will be bouncing with videos weeks after the weddings.

When the dust settles and the videographers works their magic you get something that goes above all of this.

Drone footage, time-lapse photography and beautiful video clips all combine together in one place with a delivery format like Blu Ray or USB drive – giving you something truly unique.

How A Wedding Video Can Complement Wedding Photos.

Having both photos and videos of your nuptials can make for an even more memorable experience. 

While photographs capture still images from the event, a wedding video offers so much more – providing moving pictures that show off the emotions and reactions of everyone involved. 

From the moment you walk down the aisle until you leave as husband and wife, each detail will be preserved forever on film. 

In addition, loved ones who couldn’t attend due to distance or other circumstances will be able to share in the joy by watching your wedding highlights reel online.

Different Perspectives.

As I mentioned already, it’s really mindblowing seeing it all happen from a different perspective.

It’s like watching a movie; the wedding video provides different perspectives of the day, much more than just one single viewpoint. 

The cameras are all around, every moment is captured from multiple angles, giving you an intimate insight of how special this day was for everyone involved.

Your wedding party will be in full view as they help make your big day come together. 

All their hard work (and laziness), friends and family dancing, sharing stories, stuffing themselves with cake, stumbling with champage, – it’s all there! 

The beauty of having a wedding video is that you get to look back on your special day with fondness while also getting a fuller picture of everything that happened throughout.

A Fuller Picture Of The Day.

The most touching element of any wedding is often the first dance shared between newlyweds – that moment when all eyes are on as you share something so intimate and beautiful with those closest. 

A professional videographer will be able to capture this unique moment in time from different angles and perspectives – delivering a fuller picture of the day than traditional photographs ever could.

From capturing every laugh and emotion during preparations to guests’ reactions throughout it all.

Types Of Wedding Videography Available:

First up on the list: cinematic. 

Think ‘Hollywood’. 

Cinematic videos focus on creating scenes with spectacular angles and beautiful shots; they evoke emotion and make for great memories down the line. If you want your day captured as artfully as possible, then go for cinematic.

Next up: documentary-style

This is my personal favorite. This style focuses more on capturing moments as they happen naturally so that years from now when you watch the video, you’ll feel like you were back at your own wedding day. You won’t find flashy music montages or staged shots here – just raw footage documenting those special times that make each wedding unique.

Finally there’s storytelling.

A blend of both styles above. It takes little snippets from all parts of the event and weaves them into one story arc that captures how everything unfolded throughout the course of the day. So if neither option stands out to you (or maybe even both!), storytelling might be your best bet.

Your videographer will talk you through it all, but ideally, you’re looking for someone who can and has specialized in these styles.

So these are some videography options available to help paint a clearer picture of your big day – but before making any decisions, let’s take a look at other factors to consider when choosing a wedding videographer…

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Wedding Videographer.

They’re only capturing one of the most special days of your life. 

No stress.

There are many factors to consider when picking the right person for this job. 

First, you should look into their experience and portfolio.

You always want someone who has extensive knowledge in shooting weddings; that way, you can rest assured that they can act on their feet through the day and almost know where to be to get the best footage. At the end of the day, you could get someone who’s done some amazing work, but if they haven’t done weddings before, they will miss a trick or two. You could get Steven Spielberg, but I guarantee you he’s going to miss the good stuff.

Second, think about cost versus quality.

Do some research on different packages offered by various videographers so that you get good value for money. Maybe you don’t want over the top, or maybe you want extravagant. Either way, weigh up the cost of your needs and check their work. And, make sure to read reviews from past customers as these can give you valuable insights. Even better if you can creep on some past customers’ videos or highlights somewhere.

Clearly understand the service they are providing.

Lastly, you really want to have a clear understanding of what kind of video style you want before booking any service. A cinematic approach is great if you wish to create more dramatic shots while documentary-style videos are often better suited for capturing raw emotion on the day itself. Definitely discuss this thoroughly with whoever you hire so that both parties know exactly what to expect come wedding day.

The thoughtfulness put into selecting a wedding videographer pays off immensely in the final product!

Benefits Of Investing In A Wedding Video Long Term.

From providing cherished memories for years to come to having an intimate recollection of your loved ones, there are plenty of reasons to invest in a wedding video.

The first benefit of investing in a wedding video is creating something you and your family will cherish forever. 

Unlike photos or other physical mementos, videos provide a tangible way to look back at all the moments from your day without forgetting any details. Not only do they capture emotions like laughter and tears but also serve as keepsakes that you’ll always hold dear.

Another reason many couples opt for a wedding video is having the ability to share their love story with friends and family near and far. 

With technology, it’s easier than ever before to share online with those who couldn’t attend the ceremony!

A wedding video offers more than just beautiful images; it serves as a time capsule of sorts – preserving not only what happened on that particular day but also how everyone felt about it too.

Cherished Memories For Years To Come.

Traveling back in time to your wedding day, feeling the emotions of love and joy just as if it happened yesterday – this is why having a wedding video can be invaluable. 

Cherished memories for years to come are what makes investing in a videographer worth every single penny.

Weddings are once-in-a-lifetime events. Whether you’re looking at it 10 days after your nuptials or even 10 years later, revisiting that moment through an expertly crafted video gives you all the feels again. 

It brings back vivid memories with vibrant colors, crisp sound quality, and thoughtful editing that encapsulates everything about your big day.

The gift of reliving moments from one of the most important occasions in life is priceless. With the help of professional videographers, couples get to keep those treasured moments alive forever – no matter how much time passes by. 

So while there’s certainly a cost associated with hiring someone to document your celebration, chances are you’ll never regret making that investment when it comes time to look back fondly on such an extraordinary event.

So now let’s talk about how much does a videographer cost?

How Much Does A Videographer Cost?

When it comes to capturing a wedding day, many couples are asking the question: how much does a videographer cost? According to research from The Knot, the average videographer budget for 2022 was $1,900 in total costs!

It’s important to keep in mind that prices vary drastically depending on the experience and location of your chosen photographer. 

Pro Tip:

You can expect to pay anywhere between $1,000-$4,000 for professional video coverage.

This price range covers both pre-ceremony preparations such as getting dressed and post-ceremony activities like cutting the cake or tossing the bouquet. 

Additionally, most videographers will also include editing time after filming so your footage looks it’s absolute best when delivered!

All-in-all, having a professionally captured wedding video can be a priceless memento for years to come. 

Are There Any Additional Costs Involved In Hiring A Wedding Videographer?

To start off, there’s more than just the cost of hiring a videographer or cinematographer that should be considered.

Every couple will have different wants and needs when it comes to capturing their big day, so it’s important to factor in any extra expenses such as travel fees, editing services, equipment rental fees etc. 

For instance, depending on what type of video you’re after (documentary style vs cinematic) and how long you’d like your video to be can affect the overall budget. And, there’s drone footage which will 99% of the time be charged as an add-on.

It’s also worth considering other factors such as your venue size and location; these could impact the quality of sound recording which would require additional audio equipment – thus increasing costs further. 

And let’s not forget about storage: digital files can quickly fill up hard drives! 

Then, there’s editing time. Your videographer will most likely give you a few choices based on their experience of how long they can spend editing to give you the final footage. 

So, there are a few additional costs you will probably have to think about — but it might just turn out to be one of the best investments you make!

Happily Ever After

Hiring a wedding videographer is worth it for couples who want to capture all the special moments from their big day. 

A good videographer will be able to create a timeless memory that captures all of the details and emotions that make up your wedding. 

When deciding on which style you would like to have, consider what kind of legacy you wish to leave behind.

Cinematic videography is akin to reading an epic novel; there’s something magical about slowly turning pages and watching characters unfold as if in real-time. 

Documentary style creates more of an intimate portrayal—it’s almost as if you can feel the presence of friends and family members during each scene. 

Finally, storytelling videos are perfect for couples looking for a unique way to share their love story with others.

A quality wedding video can become a treasured keepsake that lasts forever – much longer than any photo album could ever hope to do! 

So if you’re considering capturing your special day in motion pictures, take the plunge and invest in creating a lasting memento.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wedding Videos

How Long Will It Take To Receive The Edited Wedding Video?

When working with a professional videographer or editor, there are certain factors that go into determining the timeline of when you’ll receive your final product. 
Some outsource the editing, while some take it all on themselves, so if it’s outsourced it will probably be quicker, if your videographer is a jack of all trades then during wedding season it’s going to take a while.
Depending on their availability and workload, it could take anywhere from four weeks to three months. Having conversations about timelines upfront can help ensure expectations are set before beginning the project.

Is It Possible To View The Raw Footage?

It depends, and its a conversation you want to have beforehand and not after.
Some charge extra, and some are happy to send it over free of charge. For some videographers it’s a straight-up no-go. 
Generally though, if you want the raw footage you will need to provide the storage for it. So either ship over a hard drive, or invest in Google Drive space because it is a lot of data!

Is A Wedding Video A Good Alternative To A Photo Album?

A wedding video can offer an intimate and personal feel while capturing special moments in ways that photos just cannot – making it an important consideration when planning your perfect day.
Storytelling videography creates engaging content that elevates each moment into something truly remarkable.
And, if you want something to hang on your wall of put in a photo frame – you can screenshot your video and get it printed in a high-quality photograph style.
Again, I’m still firmly in the camp that it’s great to have both. But… if you had to choose then go screenshots.

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