How To Keep Wedding Tablecloths From Wrinkling

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By Gem

As a professional wedding planner, I often hear the same question: “How do we get our tablecloths wrinkle-free?” 

And, when I what this, it’s usually too late. No one realises this could even happen until it’s time to set up for reception, or until they’re already out there stinking up the decor.

It’s usually the responsibility of the venue and planner to get it right, but if you want to use your own table-cloths, or if you’re a planner and the couple have provided their own, you want to make sure they have been stored properly, and are kept properly on the big day.

The truth is, there are several steps you can take before and after your wedding to ensure that your tablecloths look absolutely perfect. 

In this article, I will break down exactly how to do just that!

Quick Summary

First of all, it’s important to start with quality fabrics when selecting your tablecloths. Fabrics like cotton or polyester blend have less tendency towards wrinkling than synthetic materials. Once you’ve chosen the right fabric for your event, make sure to iron them prior to using – this ensures that any wrinkles in the material are flattened out so they won’t get worse over time. If possible, store the linen unfolded until you’re ready to use them on the tables at your reception.

Reception Tips

Reception Tips

If you want additional protection against wrinkling during your reception, consider investing in press cloths. These thin pieces of fabric act as a barrier between your linens and plates/glasses/etc., helping maintain an even surface without any added creases or folds.

By following these simple tips and tricks, you’ll be able to keep those beautiful tablecloths looking pristine throughout your entire celebration!

Types Of Fabrics

When selecting a wedding tablecloth, the type of fabric is key to preventing wrinkling. 

Natural fabrics tend to wrinkle more easily than synthetic ones; cotton and linen are two popular choices for weddings but may require more care before, during and after your event. 

On the other hand, polyester or acrylic fibers are less likely to wrinkle since they have been treated with chemicals that add stiffness and durability. 

If you’re looking for an easy way to keep wrinkles at bay without too much effort, these types of fabrics might be right up your alley.

Another option is a blend of natural and synthetic fibers like rayon or bamboo which offers some softness while still retaining its shape throughout the day. 

Blended fabrics also offer breathability, so if you’re planning an outdoor celebration this could be a great choice. A final consideration when it comes to fabric selection is laundering: read each material’s label carefully as some must be dry-cleaned rather than machine washed. 

The wrong cleaning technique can cause permanent damage – not something any bride wants before or on her special day!

Pre-Event Preparation

The reason I bring this up, is wrinkled tablecloths are actually a pretty common nightmare for wedding planners.  

It’s not something a lot of people think about, but it definitely gets noticed if you don’t prep properly before the reception.

Fortunately, there are several ways to keep the fabric looking pristine throughout day.

First, consider investing in wrinkle-resistant fabrics or steamers when selecting materials for your tablescapes. 

Cotton and linen blend fabrics tend to be prone to wrinkles; however, microfiber and polyester blends are more likely to remain smooth throughout the night. 

If you choose natural fibers like cotton or linen, look for products with an added wrinkle-free treatment before purchasing them. For example, some brands of linens come pre-treated with a starch solution designed specifically to reduce creasing during laundering and storage.

When storing tablecloths prior to the event, ensure they’re folded neatly so as not to create any additional creases or wrinkles while being kept in drawers or shelves. 

Before using the cloths at the reception venue, it can also help to hang them up a few hours beforehand if possible – this will give gravity time enough to do its job! 

Lastly, make sure that all staff handling the linens know how delicate certain fabrics can be so that no accidental damage is done during setup. 

As long as these precautions are taken ahead of time, you should have beautiful wrinkle-free tablecloths ready for your guests’ arrival.

Storage Solutions

When it comes to storing wedding tablecloths, you’ll want to mitigate any risk of wrinkling, and this includes storage on and even before the day. 

One way to avoid wrinkles is by rolling the fabric around a cardboard tube or cylinder before packing away in acid-free storage boxes. 

This will help keep tight folds and prevent creases. Also, consider folding each piece with tissue paper between them if they’re delicate fabrics. 

If possible, try not to stack too many pieces on top of each other as this can cause damage over time.

For long-term storage purposes, vacuum sealing bags are an excellent option for preserving your tablecloths without taking up too much space. 

Vacuum sealed bags create a protective barrier against moisture and dust which can be incredibly beneficial when stored in less than ideal conditions such as basements or attics. 

Plus, the airtight seal ensures that any existing wrinkles stay locked out until ready for use again.

Ironing Techniques

The key to keeping wedding tablecloths looking sharp and wrinkle-free is ironing! 

As an experienced wedding planner, I can attest that having a crisp presentation for the tables at your reception is essential. 

First things first: always start with clean tablecloths. 

A layer of dirt or dust will not only create wrinkles; it will also show up in any creases when you press them down. 

Once they are cleaned, lay out the cloths as flat as possible onto a hard surface such as an ironing board or countertop – never iron directly over any existing fabric like carpeting or furniture. 

For added protection, place a thick cotton sheet between the linen and the iron.

Now comes the fun part: get ready to turn up some heat! 

Setting your steam iron to medium-high should do just fine; don’t forget to use plenty of water so that you have enough steam while pressing down each fold one by one. 

This gentle but firm approach will actually help relax stubborn wrinkles and flatten out creases without risking scorching any delicate fabrics.

Professional Cleaning Services

If you’re looking for the best way to keep your wedding tablecloths from wrinkling, hiring a professional cleaning service is a great option. 

It’s important to hire experienced cleaners who specialize in working with delicate fabrics like linen and silk. 

Here are three benefits of using a professional cleaner:

1. They have access to special anti-wrinkle treatments that help reduce wrinkles on fabric surfaces.

2. Professional cleaners use commercial grade machines and detergents which can better protect your linens against stains and dirt buildup.

3. Working with an expert gives you peace of mind knowing they’ll take extra care when handling your items so they look perfect on the big day!

The cost of having professionals clean your linens may vary depending on the size and type of fabric you need cleaned but it’s usually worth it when considering how much time and effort goes into prepping the linens for your event. 

Plus, investing in quality services will ensure all of your linens look beautiful for years to come – something that DIY solutions simply cannot promise! 

All in all, professional cleaning services provide convenience, reliability and top notch results every time – making them an essential part of any successful wedding planning process.

Happily Ever After

Organizing a wedding is no small feat, and wrinkles in the tablecloths can be an added stress. But by understanding the type of fabric used for your linens, preparing them correctly before use, and knowing how to store and iron them properly, you can keep those pesky wrinkles from ruining your special day.

For more specialized fabrics or stubborn wrinkles that won’t seem to budge even with proper care, enlisting professional help may be your best bet. Investing in quality cleaning services will ensure your tablecloths are wrinkle-free and ready to grace the tables at your reception with their elegance—like a breath of fresh air!

At the end of the day, take some time to relax and remember: wrinkled tablecloths don’t define a successful event; it’s always about having fun with family and friends on this special occasion. With these handy tips, I’m sure you’ll have everything running as smooth as silk.

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