Do You Need A Permit For A Backyard Wedding?

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By Gem

All your friends and family have gathered together, the sun is setting, and the air is alive with anticipation. 

It’s a beautiful scene that could only be made more perfect by two people committing to each other in eternal love. 

But before you walk down the aisle in your own backyard wedding, there’s one important question before you say “I do”: do you need a permit?

Backyard weddings are a popular and intimate alternative to your traditional weddings that offer a unique and personal touch to your special day. 

However, before tying the knot in your own backyard, unfortunately, there are a few legal requirements involved before you go ahead and put down the catering deposit.

Due to their homey charm and low cost relative to larger venues, backyard weddings have become quite popular in recent years. 

However, most people seem to forget about the paperwork. Without this paperwork, the host can face hefty fines or even run afoul of local laws.

I’ve helped plan traditional weddings, backyard weddings, and even some of the weirder alternative ones, so I’d like to say I’ve developed a keen eye for detail over the years. 

So, lets take a look at everything you need to know about permits and licenses when planning an unforgettable day – so the only question you need to focus on is the “I do”.

Why A Backyard Wedding.

It’s all about bringing together friends and family to celebrate in an intimate setting that could be one’s own home or garden.

Wedding planning can often feel overwhelming; but when it comes to having a backyard wedding, there are certain advantages that make it easier than conventional venues. 

For starters, it saves money because you don’t have to pay venue rental fees or extra staff costs. 

Plus, you’re able to customize your décor to your own taste which is great if you’re going for a themed wedding, or if you’re on a budget and want to reuse your own home styles.

And since you know your guests will be comfortable at home, not only does it create an inviting atmosphere – it also creates some amazing memories in your own home.

Backyard weddings allow you to get way more flexible and creative without breaking the bank. 

And, if you do go a little overboard, at least you have some extra souvenirs or some cool stuff to sell on e-bay afterwards. 

Despite the perception that backyard weddings are less formal, they have become increasingly popular in recent years. 

You’ll actually be pretty surprised by some of the changes in weddings in the last few years. The pandemic has really created a stir, and made some off-the-wall ideas normal. So, in the grand scheme of things a backyard wedding is quite normal. I personally love them as you get way more freedom in planning, and the event itself is way more formal than your typical song and dance of a traditional wedding.

I know I’m probably speaking through experience, and I’m going through the motions and almost bored of your typical, traditional wedding. I’d also like to think, most guests feel the same as me. How many weddings have you been to where it’s just the same old ideas with a different cake.

While some may think a backyard wedding cannot be as grand or memorable as a traditional affair, many couples cite the more intimate atmosphere and affordability as a major plus.

It is also easier to customize a backyard wedding since most private residences offer greater flexibility with decorations, venue setup, and catering options compared to venues booked for larger events. 

And, if friends and family want to get their hands dirty during the event planning then you can save even more when it comes to decorating fees, and even catering.

So, anyway, on to the paperwork…

Determining The Need For A Permit.

There are several factors that dictate the need for a permit, including the size of the event and your local regulations.

The size of the event typically determines whether or not you will actually require a permit. 

Smaller events with fewer than 50 people you can get away with under the radar as long as they comply with other local regulations such as noise restrictions and fire safety codes. 

On the other hand, larger events, you will need to play it safe as one annoyed neighbour or someone getting injured after a few champages can make your special day all come crashing down.

Depending on where you live, different cities and states may have their own unique rules regarding weddings held outdoors. 

The best thing you can do is contact your local municipality or county office before planning your event, so you know exactly which documents you’ll need to obtain and file prior to hosting your big day.

And, some documents can day weeks or even months to get resolved, and more often than not, you didn’t dot the right “i” so you have re-do it again and wait another few weeks and blah blah.

Factors That Determine If A Permit Is Required.

Here are some factors that determine if a permit is required:

1) Location – Different locales have different laws regarding permits. It’s best to double check with local authorities. They’re actually quite helpful, and because it’s a wedding, they’re not too peeved about it.

2) Size & Scope – Is it just close family and friends or dozens of people attending? Larger events requiring extra staff, catering, etc., will likely require more paperwork than smaller affairs.

3) Time Frame – If the event goes into late hours, (it will) you will need a permit when the cops come to check.

4) Sound Restrictions – Loud music, fireworks displays, and other potential noise nuisances could mean additional licensing needs.

5) Open Flames – Yup, that means candles too. There are fire codes to consider if you want to set up candle holders or lanterns at an event. It sounds silly, but better safe than sorry.

It’s hardly a re-imagining of Woodstock 99, but once the permits are filled, you’re good to go.

This way, you’ll be able to ensure all rules are followed and avoid fines or other hassles down the line. 

Taking these steps now will help put you one step closer to happily ever after!

Steps To Obtain A Permit.

Once you have been in touch with your local authorities and all the necessary paperwork filled out correctly and with proper documentation, it’s time to submit your application to the appropriate office department. 

Depending on where you live this could range from county clerk offices to special events departments for larger cities. 

Be prepared for potential delays due to bureaucracy, and be prepared to have to fill out something again. 

Pro Tip:

Photocopy everything so when you have to fill out the same form again you can just make a quick change on the fly.

Finally, there are sometimes payment before receiving an official permit for access to certain services like renting porta potties or having amplified music at your ceremony. 

It’s also important to check with local fire codes around open flames such as candles used during outdoor weddings when submitting your application form – some locations require additional licensing fees in these cases. 

Consequences Of Not Having A Permit.

Depending on where you live, there could actually be pretty serious repercussions for hosting an event without proper authorization. 

Fines may be imposed if local laws are broken and this could significantly add to your overall costs.

So, if you’re going backyard on a budget, the last thing you need is a hefty fine eating into your celebrations.

It’s also possible that guests or neighbours might complain about noise levels or other disruptions caused by the wedding. 

This could result in action from local authorities such as police officers being dispatched to shut down the celebration, which they will do if you can’t flash the paperwork – something no one wants to experience!

Finally, even if everything goes smoothly on the day itself, there may still be legal problems further down the line when filing taxes or applying for insurance coverage for any damages incurred during the event. 

Having all relevant permits can help ensure that no issues arise afterwards, and your accountant will also be grateful. 

Planning A Successful Backyard Wedding.

Here’s what you need to know:

Even if not required by law, it is still best practice to inform neighbors about the upcoming event; this will help them plan accordingly and avoid any potential issues later down the line.

In addition, you’ll likely need permission from neighbors if you’re having guests park their cars in front yards or driveways.

Second, decide whether or not you’ll host the event yourself or hire professionals for assistance. 

This includes caterers, photographers, entertainers, and other services needed to ensure the success of your celebration. 

Pro Tip:

Create two separate lists – one outlining must-haves and another covering nice-to-haves – which will help keep costs within budget while ensuring essential elements are covered.

Lastly, think carefully about decorations and seating arrangements since they play such an important role in setting up the perfect atmosphere at any venue. 

Renting tents can also provide shade from direct sunlight during summer days while also providing weather protection should rain become an uninvited guest at your party! 

Wrapping Up

This can be daunting at first glance but remember that these rules exist for a good reason – they’re designed to help keep everyone safe and prevent disruption in your community. 

With some thorough research ahead of time and sufficient preparation during the planning process, you’ll be able to rest assured knowing that everything is taken care of legally. 

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