Questions For Wedding Shoe Game

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By Gem

The wedding shoe game is a fun, interactive game where the bride and groom take turns answering questions about their relationship while sitting back to back. 

If you’ve never seen it in action, basically, how it works is each of the bride and groom has one of their own shoes and one of the other’s shoes, and they must answer the questions without being able to see the other’s answers. 

The questions may be about how they met, how long they have been together, or what their favorite thing about the other person is. It is a fun way to get the wedding guests involved and learn more about the couple.

I remember when my best friend got married a few years ago. The wedding was a beautiful celebration, but one of my favourite memories of the day was the wedding shoe game.

The questions were quite humorous, and some of them were actually quite revealing. For example, one of the questions was “Who wears the pants in the relationship?”. It was a great way to get to know the bride and groom a little better, and it was also a great way to break the ice.

And even better, it was a great way for guests to bond aswell as they could laugh and joke about it afterwards too.

If you’re thinking of playing it at your wedding, I highly recommend giving it a go.

Here some of my favorite questions for the wedding shoe game, and you can pick and choose depending on what kind of mood you’re in or based on the couples personality.

Funny Wedding Shoe Game Questions

♥ Who takes longer to get ready in the morning?

♥ Who is more likely to get lost while driving?

♥ Who is the messier one in the relationship?

♥ Who is more likely to forget important dates like birthdays or anniversaries?

♥ Who wears the pants in the relationship?

♥ Who is the bigger baby when they get sick?

♥ Who is the first to admit they’re wrong in an argument?

♥ Who is the pickiest eater?

♥ Who is the better dancer?

♥ Who is more likely to eat ice cream for breakfast?

♥ Who is most likely to have the worst hangover tomorrow?

♥ Who is more likely to eat an extra slice of wedding cake?

♥ Who is the more likely to check memes on their phone instead of talking to guests?

♥ Who is the grumpiest in the morning?

♥ Who is the bigger gossip?

♥ Who is more likely to fall asleep on the couch watching TV?

♥ Who would win a food eating contest?

♥ Who can’t keep a secret?

♥ Who is the most likely to skip a shower?

♥ Who has the hairiest arms?

♥ Who is the more likely to embarrass themselves in public?

Dirty Wedding Shoe Game Questions

(Some naughty questions – Not for the faint-hearted or your Grandma)

♥ Who slept over first?

♥ Who sent the first “pic”?

♥ Who is more likely to suggest “it”?

♥ Who is the quickest to get their pants off?

♥ Who is the little spoon?

♥ Who is more likely to roleplay?

♥ Who is the noisiest?

♥ Who is the first one asleep after?

♥ Who is the most creative?

♥ Who has the most toys?

Wedding Shoe Game Questions To Make People Cry

♥ Who has the cutest smile?

♥ Who has the nicest eyes?

♥ Who knew they were in love first?

♥ Who has done the most meaningful thing for their partner?

♥ Who has been the strongest during the most difficult challenges in the relationship?

♥ Who admires their partner the most?

♥ Who has taught their partner the best lessons in life?

♥ Who has made the biggest sacrifice in the relationship?

♥ Who has had the most favorite moments together so far?

♥ Who brings the most important things to each other’s lives?

♥ Who looks at their partner in the most special way?

♥ Who gives the best advice to the other?

Wedding Shoe Game Questions Likely To Start An Argument

♥ Who spends more money on unnecessary things?

♥ Who is messier around the house?

♥ Who says nice things the least?

♥ Who is more stubborn?

♥ Who buys the worst gifts?

♥ Who is more likely to “forget” their cash on a date?

♥ Who spends more time on their phone or computer?

♥ Who is the laziest?

♥ Who is more likely to be running late?

♥ Who is more likely to lose something?

Best Questions To End With

The best questions to end with are ones that can get a reaction from the couple or lead into another event.

My favorites to end with are:

♥ Who is the best kisser?

♥ Who wants to cut the cake?

♥ Who wants to dance?

There are some of my favourites, and always great for a laugh too. If you any other you want to add definitely leave some in the comments below and I’ll keep this updated like a “best of” list.

Faqs About The Wedding Shoe Game

How many questions should you ask during the wedding shoe game?

I would recommend asking at least 20 questions, but no more than 50 as the novelty can start to wear off by then.

Who should ask the questions?

The best man or the couple’s parents are the best choices to ask questions for the wedding shoe game. You can also have an open mic and pass it around to different guests.

How long should the wedding shoe game last?

Keep it around 10-15 minutes as you don’t want to annoy the couple or bore people with too many questions.

When’s the best time to play the shoe game at a wedding?

Before the band set up or right after dinner while all the guests are gathered and have likely had a few drinks too.

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